01-25-2010, 01:35 AM
PPCGeeks Regular
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Re: }}Santod Mods{{16/20 Quick Links 2.5.1922}}Landscape BG4all updated!!{1-23-10}
Originally Posted by santod
Ok, got it figured out RLW!
Uninstall MaxTTM first!
It interferes with the uninstall process, because of the auto convert process when the wallpaper setting gets wiped!
So, uninstall MaxTTM, then try reinstall, it will say it will remove the previous version, say yes, then it will say it could not remove the previous one, install anyway? Yes! Then reset. Done!
If it is now still 16 links, you can uninstall now, reset done!
Sorry bud! Then after installing the new links, reinstall MaxTTM. I hadn't thought about how it may conflict upon uninstall, but am glad I got it figured out for ya'!
Let me know how that goes for you.
Santod, I uninstall MaxTTM without a problem. HOWEVER Im still unable to uninstall the 16 links. lol. I have started to remove your mods Im using to see if that helps but to no avail. At this point it won't even reinstall. the soft key that I changed with MaxTTM is still changed. Do I need to change it back to defaut first? I have never had any problem before uninstalling any of your cabs so I must be doing something wrong or another mod is inteferring as you suggested.