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Old 01-24-2010, 03:33 PM
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Re: RhodiumW 2.23.00WU/1.96.10WU Radio Unlocked for US Networks

Originally Posted by sliverr7x View Post
how can you tell if your security unlocked I bought it did the hole thing downloaded the radio and still stuck in boot loader mode? how do you get out of it or did brick my phone? I have taken the battery in and out many time and still stuck in bootloader. I must have did something wrong when i unlock i must have not did something right at the end..
when you are flashing a new rom or radio, if you look at the bootloader screen, at the very top of that screen you will see the words "SECURITY UNLOCKED." that's how you tell if you are security unlocked.

you must donate, download, and run "RhodiumWUnlocker.exe" and make sure you check the checkbox that says "Security Unlock" when you unlock the SIM.
i look back and i'm amazed... that my thoughts were so clear and true.... those three words went through my mind endlessly.... repeating themselves, like a broken record.... you're so cool... you're so cool... you're so cool....
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