Originally Posted by Telek
Did you fix the admin password issue?
"To protect your computer the program has to be shut down" means that the application crashed - usually either from DEP or non-admin. If both of them are working what about firewall or antivirus?
delt with all the fire wall antivirus stuff, I think its the "non-user" the only admin on my comp that I created is "lucy" and I set a pw for it. (it does not except says wrong user name or bad password) so I go to user accounts to change "lucy" to Admin, it says "the already an account by that name" but I CANT FIND an account named "administrator".
THEN... when I use the current account (witch it excepts) it give me a { FATAL Error} message stating
"Please make sure the device is still plugged in and synchronized to the PC" which it clearly is. once a press ok it give me a message
"If you could not get the device properly synced: then try installing this CAB on your phone //hpcmonex.net/roms/enablerapinew.cab) and retry in Automatic flash mode.
did that page on browser goes blank after it say "it has instauled, but I cant find it on my phone.
Dash made this look so easy on youtube. any clues??? thanks by the way.