Originally Posted by sec1rxg
Dont re-flash the ROM just do a System/ wipe (hard reset) run Sashimi but leave out the following an ##codes,GSM to CDMA sms fix, Sprint MMS Fix,NoPushInternet. Try an Arcsoft MMS fix for Sprint. BTW the SMS works fine dont fix whats not broken. I had the same problem and this fixed everything.
Im starting to think that autoinstalling cabs is just a baaaaad idea. I never do it and I dont seem to have any of the issues other people are having. The people that autoinstall the same cabs ROM after ROM tend to eventually run into problems partly because they dont even know what they are installing anymore.
Anyway doing a hard reset takes almost as long as reflashing so I dont think it would be a bad idea to do it. It may fix some issues in case the initial install just didnt go properly too.