Originally Posted by winmonewbie
While I think the Dusk Taskbar is da bom, Bilbobrians is killer as well.
As per zone23, morbidj's signal fix cab is needed for Bilbobrian's task bar to display the signal icon correctly.
Attachment 56650
ahhh ya, good call..i always change the dualrssi registry but that my friend is a whole lot easier lol..nice
Originally Posted by sstor792
thanks thats a lot better
no prob, hope i can help folks out more often
Originally Posted by rootlinux
Always liked that taskbar as well.
May use it in my rom.
thatd be slick mate, i find its easier to read than the dusk one..but thats only my opinion
Originally Posted by fiyah
Some of my folders in the start menu look like the default yellowish brown windows folders rather than the custom rom folders... no idea why.
yep thats a result of installing the bilbobrian taskbar..im still not very tech savvy so im not too sure whats changing when the taskbars installed..but there is a few different icon changers out like restart or jwmd icon changer you could use to swap them back..