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Old 01-23-2010, 02:18 AM
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Re: Wierd beeping service problem... Sprint. Need a genius!

Why a new phone if its not a problem with a phone....that stuff makes all of our rate go up---when sprint has to shell out money on a problem that doesnt exist in the first place. (you even admited that it was happening on your tp1). I am not attacking you, but bringing up a point that ppl bust chops on sprint too much and in turn we all suffer. Just my 2 cents.

As for your issue:
The two tones that you hear on connect is you connecting via VOIP from a local neighbors AIRAVE. This makes sense as if you are not close, you will get horrible service until it drops off of the AIRAVE and swings you back to the cell towers where you will most likely get better service. If you find out who it is that has this AIRAVE that you are picking up on, you can ask them to close out the service so that it limits usage on their AIRAVE to only that subscribers phones. The only downside to that is that if you are close, it may tell you that you are on a private network and to "move away from the private network" to be able to make a call.

The PRL (preferred Roaming List) update is a GOOD thing as now your phone probably has MORE options to look for a signal than before which could very well be the reason why its locking onto a tower easier from the update instead of not having that latest prl info and only finding the AIRAVE as the nearest signal to lock onto.

If it issue comes back, I would check is to see if your phone network setting are set to AUTOMATIC or SPRINT ONLY. If its maybe you should try changing it from one to another and maybe it will help it from see that AIRAVE.

Best of luck.
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