Originally Posted by WBFAir
So I have a factory stock (at least relating to the OS stuff) Verizon TP2.
I have read through all the threads and apologize if I am asking a stupid question but.
If just want to get Sense 2.1 or 2.5 on my device, can I just run either of the two cabs I see in the OEM folder and this will install that an run that without any problems?
The reason I ask is that, one I have so much stuff on my device now it would take me at least a few days to get it all that reinstalled and setup again.
But really too I don't know this stuff all that well so I wouldn't even know really what I might need from any of the other cabs to have my device have all the extra an/or other necessary Verizon stuff I would need to have my device to the same as it is now which is how I would like it as I don't have a clue as to what I need or don't need, at least not fully.
The one thing I have gathered from reading the thread is that once I install either one they are not uninstallable so I guess the best thing to do is to backup my system an my card as only a re-flashing of a stock ROM and then rebuild will get it back to its pre-Sense state, correct?
Just to ask if this is at a problem and it is more recommended that I install the Verizon bare bones version first and then build as I need to, I will do that if that is better.
Also one other question I had, if I have the 2.1 on the device either by just installing it to my present system or a build from the bare bones one, do I just run the 2.5 cab to get 2.5 or do I have to start all over again and install it on a system that doesn't have any Sense on it at all?
As well if I can add the 2.5 that way, can I go back to the 2.1 by just reinstalling the 2.1 cab kinda in the same manor?
Thanks for any help.
Let me start off by saying thank you for your interest in the ROM. I hope to be able to address all of your concerns.
You can run either of the 2.1 or 2.5 CABs to install Sense, and it should install without a hitch. Most, if not all the OEM software is available in the OEMCABs folder, and if not, I will most certainly CAB anything that is missing up for you. I should probably do a description of each CAB so that it will make it easier to decide what you would like to install.
Sense CABs are uninstallable not because they can't be uninstalled, but because the CAB uninstaller fails (probably because files are in use) even if you uncheck Sense and soft-reset. That's not to say that you can't get rid of it, however, it is a bit tedious. Basically you'd just have to remove all the Manila files as well as a few others related to your Sense version. Annoying, but not impossible. As for installing them on top of each other, that would probably create more problems than anything else. I hope to make fully uninstallable versions in the near future so that you don't have to manually do it or pick one version to stick with, as the whole point of this ROM is to be able to uninstall and install things at will.
I will definitely work to help resolve any issues or get your phone back exactly how you like/had it if you decide to give this ROM a try.
T-Mobile like customer service via one person on a forum. How awesome is that?! lol