New to BB - Service Books Issue?
Hey All,
Jumping on the RIM bandwagon for a little bit to see what I've been missing. Here's the rundown:
-Bought a used BB 8330 (Sprint) off eBay
-Activated it
-Previous owner didn't unintall any apps, and didn't remove contacts
-Deleted contacts and such
-Went to Advanced Options -> Apps and removed unwanted programs
-Still had a number of the programs showing
-Found my way to Service Books and deleted unwanted stuff
-Upgraded to OS 4.5 via BB DM
-Re-provisioned the phone, and now those apps are back
-Deleted Service books again
-Installed something that required a battery pull/full power cycle
-Apps came back!
So, how in the hell do I permanently get rid of those apps. Mainly, MySpace, Yahoo Messenger, and Sprint Nascar.