Originally Posted by xmln3x@gmail.com
Odd after I did what you suggested... I haven't had a problem at all. Of course I updated my quick gps right after I installed... so maybe that has something to do with it.. I'm not really sure.
After that one time it never happened again, But I forgot to uncheck the activesync option. I guess I need to update my quick gps. Thanks.
Originally Posted by xmln3x@gmail.com
Nah I'm not looking for any commercial programs really and if I do want those.. I'll get them myself.
Thanks for cleaning up the battery.dll issue.. didnt know if I was just supposed to drop it in the windows folder or what.. because when I browsed I didn't see one.. but it might have been hidden or something.. who knows.
As for cabs... I've searched like a mother trucker all over.. google, bing, xda, here and so forth...
I'm not looking for any particular cabs... but I always like to try new things... I am however looking for either font cabs or a better tutorial to do my own fonts on Font Creator... I've checked out Godzson, Bullets, and any other post I could find regarding fonts on here and xda.... I'm surprised more people don't do them. I have tons of windows based fonts that I could really spruce things up with.. if I only knew better how to make them for tp.
I do not have cabs for fonts, but I've played with fonts a little bit. I do notice that for some windows based fonts to work properly, I would need the tahomabd.ttf & I'll rename the font I'd like to use to tahoma.ttf, then I would drop both of them in \Windows. Worked after a soft-reset. Again it only worked for some. Some fonts were either too big or too bold. My favorite is Candara.