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Old 01-22-2010, 10:32 AM
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Re: ROM 1-21-10 Twisted Begins Sense 2.5 build 21876

Originally Posted by View Post
Thanks for the help with the gps error... I was gonna do the battery.dll swap.. but I'm sort of fresh to dealing with the internal "os" structure and didn't know exactly where to copy the new one.

I however did see a boost in memory by removing the dci battery and querty memory... looks nice and was functional.. but I'm getting better performance without it.

Also.. Your signature about all your cabs... has got me wondering just what you have and how I could get my hands on em. It's not every day that I find another tp user with a good amount of cabs.
Well the battery.dll should be dropped in the /Windows folder. I used Resco File Explorer to put it there but you can get there via Activesync, just select the explore button, select My Device and you will see the Windows folder.

As for my cabs, it's really not to boast but to share my overwhelming issue about needing a cab for everything, but I guess if there's no better way to install something then I shouldn't complain lol!

As for finding cabs, there is google, xda, threads here and freeware sites. Fortunately, we now have the comfort of getting freewares via Open Market which is installed in this rom. If there's anything that you looking for if I have it I'll share, but please don't ask for any commercial programs.
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