I figured it was a good time to give a status update. I've changed the display settings so that it automatically tries to fill the display and has a new checkbox to allow the image to be stretched to cover every pixel. I've added optimized routines for 200% and 300% (at all angles) and for 100%. The performance on large display devices (VGA/WVGA) has increased tremendously.
I've got BGP100 support working pretty well, but it needs to be cleaned up. I received my Zeemote yesterday and am able to communicate with it using the Microsoft BT Winsock API, but I'm not sure how to work with it on devices with the Widcomm stack because it doesn't pair with any recognized services. With the MS BT API, you can just connect a socket to any address and it works, but I'm not sure how to do that with the Widcomm API. If anyone can help me with this issue, I would really appreciate it. It would be very disappointing if I can only manage to get it working on MS BT devices (Touch Pro 2 has Widcomm BT

). I'll try to get it in good enough shape to release a beta by Monday for you guys to try the new features.