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Old 01-21-2010, 10:10 PM
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Re: Wm6.5 - more questions

Originally Posted by jabson View Post
I know there have been many a discussion - is it worth upgrading from WM5 to WM6.5. I would like to, but not being very savy in this field, there are some concerns I have before I brick a 350 dollar investment. I can't seem to get any answeres, and its frustrating.

Here is the story. I have a Tomahawk WM6.5 'whatever' from XDA, and from my understanding, its very cool. Want to upgrade my iPaq hx2495b running Windows CE 5.0 (WM5?).

Understand the basics on installing it, required preboot operations, and a whole bunch of other things I just dont understand in order to upgrade.

Fine, instructions aren't too detailed, but aren't too confusing either. However, the one question that no one seems to want to answer is this:

If I screw up, can I return to the previous installed WM5? If so, how.

Think of me as a 40 year old (I am) whos last experience with programming (scripting, or whatever its called now) was back when Basic, Extended Basic, and COBOL were the only languanges out there.

Can't seem to get any answeres at XDA (surprising), or any other site. Willing to see if you guys and gals can help an ol' codger!

Edit - Sorry - wrong thread! See, I need some serious help! Moving to a more approriate thread!
yes, most stock roms are available where you could flash back if you wanted in a sticky thread. assuming you don't mix up GSM with CDMA(which WILL brick your phone)(CDMA ROMS mostly are available here, GSM are available on xda), you need to unlock your phone first. I thought touch pro's started with WM 6(i'm honestly not sure at all, but mine did)

but 6.5 is much better than previous WM builds, just do your research before you flash. Especially if you're comparing stock to custom, you can have better battery life, great starting apps, customization, more visual appeal etc....

also, flashing your radio can give you better reception, I'm using verizon on a small regional CDMA network.
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