Re: getting tp2 today...thinking about iphone..whos have both?
replying to clockcyle:
Then the complaints would be; device gets hot, battery life is terrible, wow this things weighs a ton, it's thick like a brick, why does it cost $200 more than a TP2, why doesn't it have 8 megapixels, how come no multitouch, where's the flash, where's the keyboard and dude that thing is huge...
BTW just because the MHz are the same 528, doesn't mean it's the same speed as previous CPUs.. Also consider Droid is as fast as Nexus One, if not faster.
It's also hard to consider today's phones, knowing that is 3-6months there is a new one coming out.
nahhh, its all called planned obsolesce. They know if they put the snapdragon in the TP2, than you would have little reason to spend more money on the HD2. It’s all a marketing game with us being the pawns.
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