Originally Posted by TheWineLover
As an update, I have since traded the M900 for an HTC Hero. I have rooted it using my Mac. So, my question is now... when you guys are referring to the Terminal, you mean on the actual handheld device, not the computer... correct?
If the answer to the above question is yes, then my last question, can I use the same commands on the Hero as you noted they were for the Moment?
Thanks again y'all. I so appreciate it. =D>
android runs on a build of linux. android is a graphical interface, while the terminal, is the underlying system. the equivalent of the terminal in windows would be the command prompt.
connectbot is a great free program for accessing the terminal in android or adb shell (found in the android sdk package) can be used when the phone is connected to the computer to access the shell (terminal).
it is very powerful and the whole phone can be damaged by using the commands incorrectly in the shell. the same commands will probably work on the Hero as on the Moment, but i would double check. even though they both run Android, their file structures might be different due to different hardware and software programming. i would make sure the files are located in the same locations.
I have never owned a Hero. Perhaps somebody with a Hero can chime in with their experience...