Originally Posted by MannyPR
Since I was hesitant to just believe ABC as a reliable test I called instead a good friend that happens to be an EE and tests batteries load and capacity for a living
You know, I was wondering when someone would come forward and actually discuss how these things are rated. Like almost every other item on the planet which is rated in mah, volts, or watts - these are ALWAYS tested via equipment and NOT VIA software.
And simply demanding from a manufacturer to disclose how they verified their ratings is like going up to your local grocer and demanding to be shown how they verified that their 2% milk was only 2%.
Here is the one undisbutable fact - to advertise something that this a lie is illegal. Period.
They are not ignorant. To sell a battery advertized as being a higher mah than it actually was would only invite a lawsuit. All it takes is someone like our friend in Indiana to prove it is not as advertised and then it's over.
So the fact is that via 3rd party testing, it appears that the battery is exactly what they said it is. Imagine that.
I can completely understand their reaction and position. In this very same thread they have been accused of falsifying their data; creating phantom endorsements; and using excuses to obfuscate why they can't tell you how they determine their battery ratings.
And people who post real world comments are ignored (more than once people stated that the battery did in fact last much longer for them); while others misrepresent findings from a program that wasn't even designed to measure battery capacity to make inaccurate statements about their product.
Everyone here makes a living doing something. Right?
How would you like it if someone who was not qualified to hold your job started making public coments about the quality of your work? And to make it worse; they demand that you prove the quality of your work or they will continue to make bad comments about it.
Bottom line - the battery's capacity is what it is claimed to be.
And this has been another good, old-fashioned Salem Witch Hunt.