Originally Posted by kaz8772
I did try max once he updated for 1922, but I was on MM War ROM and it didnt work. And I have heard its really heavy on your resources also. It just seems that your stuff works the best for me, and I like being able to use what I want instead of what someone wants to give me.
Fair enough! I was just checking. I know MaxM can be heavy on resources and doesn't work on Mighty, so that makes sense to use my mods instead.
Originally Posted by kaz8772
BTW - have you ever run across a way to change the linking of the Sense tabs to a different program? Say Thumbcal instead of HTC calender?
I have looked at that a little in the past on 2.1, but haven't since I've been on 2.5 at all.
Maybe I will look into it again.