Originally Posted by mecpfirst
ok so using the links here and my gimpy verizon touch pro. i have android 1.6 running i can call but no speaker or mic.... i can send and receive text.... wifi and data do not function nor does bluetooth or gps and the camera gives me a very noisy pink screen and then locks up the phone. all the work going into this is awesome i can hardly wait till i can dump
winmo for a full android system.
Are you using the zImage from the first post in this thread? If it's booting, that's a really good sign, and we can work with it. If you're using something else linked here, then I guess that's less surprising, and good luck, I wish I could help more.
Originally Posted by djmadclass
hey, thanks for clearing that up. i just wanted to remove some apps but now i get an error.
im trying to find if i have to edit anything else when i remove apps and all i removed was that task killer app.
I had trouble with the windows squashfs... I don't know which version you're using. I asked for instruction on compiling squashfs images, and babijoee said he did it thusly:
sudo unsquashfs system.sqsh
(make changes)
sudo mv ./squashfs-root ./system
sudo genext2fs -d ./system -b 100000 -a system.ext2
mkdir ext2mount
sudo mount -o loop ./system.ext2 ./ext2mount
sudo mksquashfs ./ext2mount newsystem.sqsh
doing all those things through sudo (i.e. doing them as root) is important, because it keeps all the file ownership/permissions from getting messed up. I'm not sure if that stuff gets messed up regardless of how you do it in windows. There's probably a right way to do it, but I didn't find it when I was trying.
His method is probably overkill -- all the stuff of making a filesystem out of the folder and then mounting it can probably be dropped. But that's straight from the horse's mouth on how to build the system.sqsh.