Thread: imagio gps
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Old 01-20-2010, 11:21 PM
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Re: imagio gps

Originally Posted by youngprince3 View Post
i cant get any thing to run the gps
did you try... go to Start Menu, then Settings, then System, then Location Settings, then make sure "Location Service Settings" is "on" and make sure HTC location service has a check mark on it, and make sure "Automatic decline blah blah blah..." does not have a check mark.

Also... go to Start Menu, go to Phone (that will open up your dial pad), press menu on the bottom right hand corner, and pres Options from that menu.

there will be tabs on the bottom of the page... "Phone, Network, CDMA Services, etc" Click on the "CDMA Services" tab and you will have a page with a list of services. Click on the top service (Location Setting) so that it is highlighted and then press the "Get Settings" button at the bottom of the list.

Now you are on a page thatr has 2 choices 1. LOCATION ON and 2. 911 only. You want "LOCATION ON". So press location on. then press OK (upper right hand corner) a couple off times and you are done.

You may need to do a soft reset before changes take effect.

hope one of those is a solution for you.

Last edited by thepolishguy; 01-23-2010 at 08:47 PM.
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