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Old 01-20-2010, 09:45 PM
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Re: HTC Appointment Editor for Sense 2.1 *UPDATED*

Originally Posted by chas123 View Post
This is the appointment editor that Sense 2.5 uses ported to work for 2.1.
All the credit goes to kimi_sae_ireba over at xda. Please show him some thanks in any way you see fit.

I just repackaged the cabs for easier installation on a CDMA TP2, and added an unported Framework cab. In the rom that I am currently using, I was missing four files from the HTC Framework required to make the time picker work.

I tested this on 2 different roms. It worked on JD's 2.1, but not Cfay's.
I think the difference lies in the Manila version.

*UPDATE*- Thanks to Mighty Mike for shedding the light on this one here:

This should work on any Sense 2.1 now. I have included a new uncompressed calendar tab in the attached zip.

To install:
1) Disable all Today items.
2) Install the Calendar_Tab_Update_WVGA cab
3) Soft reset
4) Turn sense on and verify that the calendar tab still works. If it does proceed to step 7. If it doesn't you have an uncompressed version of manila. Disable Sense, uninstall, soft reset, and proceed to step 5.
5) With Sense disabled, install the Calendar_Tab_Update_WVGA2
cab and soft reset.
6) Turn Sense on and verify that the calendar tab works.
7) With Sense disabled, install the Calendar Appointment Mod, Contact picker,and Appointment Editor cabs. Soft reset
8-Turn Sense on, and verify that all functions of the Appointment editor
work. If they do, you are finished. If they don't proceed to 9
9) Install the Framework cab and soft reset

Note: Try this at your own risk. I tried it on CFay's rom, and, while it didn't
work, everything uninstalled fine and worked as it did before the install.

Hey Chas! Does this work now for mightyrom 1/13 update? I followed your conversation with kimi on xda where you were working through getting this to work. I'm just wondering if this post includes everything we need to get it to work?
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