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Old 01-20-2010, 08:55 PM
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Re: Weather City Editor for Sense 2.1 and Sense 2.5

Originally Posted by JohnVH3 View Post
Hi, I'm JVH3 from over at
Over here at ppcgeeks, that name is too short, so I had to make it bigger.

Just thought I'd make some of you aware of my Weather City Editor, if you are not already aware of it.


I started dev on it in August, when TouchFLO3D 2.1 came out and the existing editors caused timezone issues with the world clock.

I've kept updating it. It supports TouchFLO3D 2.1, Sense 2.1, and Sense 2.5.
With it, you can add any city you want to the weather tab.
It allows backing and restoring custom cities along with cities selected on the weather tab.

Just don't backup from Sense 2.1 and restore it into 2.5 or the other way either. The database file is different between those versions.

Please don't redistribute. I have spent alot of time on this compared to any donation compensation received for it. If it is distributed by others, there is no chance of the user even seeing the Donate link. Feel free to send the link to it that I posted above, but include this paragraph.

I'd love some feedback on it as well. But in that thread.

A few of my other works are: VGA 4 column program tab, Camera Orientation fix, Program Tab Toolbox.
I also do alot of trouble shooting for Energy ROMs on the GSM Touch Pro (Raphael) side.

According to PPCGeeks rules, I can't post a link since my post count is so low here. You'd think there would be some reciprocity.

But, just reassemble the link that I broke appart.

Or use the link in my signature.
Thanks bro its awesome to see you over here at PPCGeeks. I was just reading a bunch of your threads over at XDA today. Actually I think I added ya to my Twitter I will be listening.

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