Re: HTC 'Supersonic' to ring in WiMAX on Sprint, Android-styl
i NEED a new device. my pro is starting to act funny. freezes and sometimes has issues with dialer. call bank and after pushing all #'s bank hangs up before all account #'s actually dial along with other issues including net taking minutes not seconds to load a page. i don't know if i should see if sprint will replace for a tp2, jump to tmo and try and get an hd2 or wait to see what phones sprint will ACTUALLY have beyond rumoms. can't decide. boy i can't wait for 7. i don't want android. hope 7 is as close as you can get to pc without having to try and get '95 running on something or xp. a dual core snapdragoon would be so F-n sweet.
Evo 3D (broke) waiting on htc one in mail
Galaxy N2