Originally Posted by fishingmedic
Mal, if it's not, I believe I have it d/l'd to my home computer. I can get it to him later when I get home unless you don't want us doing that (for your own counts, etc).
Nah, knock yourself out. I have no issues with you guys upping and using older versions. It's all about what makes you guys happy, not what I dictate
but thanks for asking anyways!
Originally Posted by fishingmedic
Mal, do you know of anyone who's ported over Neo Titanium for the TP2? I've searched for anything Wvga but haven't been able to find anything, at least for a CDMA ROM. I saw one GSM I believe, but not CDMA.
I don't think I'm too familiar with it...or maybe I am (sounds familiar), as I have tried some of those UI changes on previous versions. I'll take a look though.