Originally Posted by AdamW
I agree that it seems like it's lagging, yeah. Not sure why, though. It _could_ be the flash, but I am usually careful with them - I hard reset, flash stock ROM, hard reset, flash new ROM, hard reset, then configure and use.
I had a thought about this - it could actually be the tweak I posted before for suspending the data connection when not in use, thinking about it. At least that's something I tried that most people likely haven't.
Unfortunately I neglected to note down the default value of the registry key in question. Can someone who hasn't changed it please please let me know the value of the key HKLM\Comm\ConnMgr\Planner\Settings\SuspendResume in an OMJ 6.5.3 / Sense 2.5 ROM so I can restore it? Thanks a lot!