Originally Posted by gregjuice
...fed up with alltel and their "skipped across the parking lot" (haha, i like that one) phones they keep sending me. they obviously wont let me out of my plan, and i dont really care about that, but it sure would be nice to get a phone that works.
The "parking lot" phone, although branded Alltel, was shipped by VZW (we had been assimilated). I am guessing you are part of Alltel that was not part of the merger. I would suggest escalating up through management. If you are not getting the results you want from the person you are talking to, ask to speak to the manager. Go into "broken record" mode until you get transferred. During my hour-long call to VZW support, I repeatedly asked for "your supervisor" for five solid minutes until I was transferred. Five minutes may not sound like long, but it is an eternity when all someone says to you is "please let me speak to your supervisor".
BTW, VZW's plan is no great shakes compared to Alltel. Just look at all the posts here (including a couple in this thread) where people have stressed over wanting to keep their Alltel plans with VZW. VZW may have just dropped the prices on their voice plans, but data is still pricey.