Originally Posted by breakmyfootoff
Yeah! Cause everyone here knows that you dont have to Hack WM just to get basic functionality out of it lol
Android can download any file type with one simple app added on. Is it a big deal to have to add an app? Probably not any harder than copy and pasting a link lol. I guess since WM is so capable right out of the box you probably haven't changed anything on your TP2 or added any apps to it have you?
Actually no, I havent had to hack this to get it to do basic stuff... My tp2 tethers out the box no reg edits or rooting or etc.. My tp2 downloads any file out the box, my tp2 saves apps to the sd card out the box..... The only thing I can say I added that it didnt come with that should have came stock is coreplayer for all the vids.......
Everything else I have are just apps, fun apps n stuff, but as far as needing apps for everything basic like saving apps, No my tp2 dont need that........
Im on a stock rom and it does alot more out the box than android, I jjust named some........ Those which I dont need a app for...
also, Notice the lack of attachments in the droid thread.... Why is that????? Because either ya gottaay for em and posting here would be a no no, or the damn thing cant download it.....lol
Enough with Winmo vs Android... You enjoy android, Ill enjoy winmo........ It does more out the box I just proved it, and thats only a few............