Originally Posted by enzyme
Did that version of Dusk change your Start menu screens? Usually there are 4 columns of icons, after installing, there is only 3 columns and icons are bigger. That is the smallest of the problems.
Left soft key disappears, right soft is there but doesn't function. The clock usually always do something weird. At times after install, digital clock is there but clock background doesnt change. I get a blank gray square next to the clock, clock arrays will always give this result. This happens with almost all clocks not just Dusk, even ones that are 1922 friendly.
I am on 23518.
yes it did change to a three row menu,the clock messed up 1 time but after going through them the issue vanished and hasn't repeated,both my soft keys work action screen and menu,never got the square box which i know that you are referring to. i don't use 23xxx builds often so i don't know,just haven't seen this with 21xxx
all i did was install on a fresh flash as mentioned previously