Originally Posted by Malatesta
It's a good question. Off the top of my head, no, I can't recommend any others but not because of compatibility issues, but because I haven't really tried any others.
The only other one I mean to try was the one for Nitrogen, which would be a good tie-in with the player that's already in ROM.
What others ones did you have in mind? I just haven't seen any other ones that really wooed me yet or had an interesting function.
Nitrogen was one, I have the player but don't know how to get it into a panel of it's own. I'll flip through the Omnia later to see what some of the names were of the panels I had on there, it's been a long time and my memory sucks.... There were a bunch of nice clocks, chero was one of them, but I'll check and let you know. do you know off-hand if the resolution be a problem with many of the panels, or is it dependent on the panel/app?