Re: |R|6.5.3|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23518/21885 |Jan 14| ★ Sense 2.5 / MaxManila ★
Ok, so let's see if anyone had duplicated this problem.
I am using Jan 14 23518 build.
I set up my Yahoo account, change it to download the last 7 days, every 15 minutes. Everything goes great for a couple days and then I wake up to find 6 months of emails. Check the settings, still set to 7 days, try changing it to 3 days to see if it'll resync. No dice. Will not matter what I do, will not connect.
Only solution I've had that works is to delete the account and then start it over.
This was also happening on the Dec. 31 28xxx build.
High fives are all I need to get by in life....