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Old 01-19-2010, 11:11 AM
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Re: Dump TP2 for Nexus One or HD2?

Originally Posted by Dr.8820 View Post
it depends on how long you've had sprint. i've been with them 10 years, my brother 12. he got sprint to give him the unlimited everything deal for $69.99/month. i might try it!
I’ve been with ATT (blue) than was switched to Cingular than was switched back to ATT (Orange) for about 7 years until last year I managed to get out of my iPhone contract because I had real bad 3G service in my area. So last year I signed up with Sprint Sero for the first time and got a TP1. When I was with ATT, I had the WinMo 02 XDA II phone (blue angel) than switched to a WinMo Hermes phone. I was a big basher of iPhones at the time because I hate it when they overhype products, but than I said let me try it out to see what the fuss was all about and got an iPhone 3G to see if it actually is better than my Windows phones. God, it was like night and day. It was so smooth and fun to use while the my old Hermes was so clunkly and the constant resets on the WinMo phones were getting on my nerves.

Now I am thinking of trying out the Android to see if it’s as good as what they say, I might jump to Tmobile and try out the Nexus One since I can get a 15% discount from my school account. At work about 5 engineers in my workgroup jumped to the Moto Droid through VZW and they seem to enjoy it.

I was thinking dumping the Sprint Sero and get a 69.99 Sprint plan and applying some corporate discount, but even the Android phones from Sprint seem retarded compared to the Nexus One with that snapdragon.
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