Originally Posted by Jsunn
I am getting a white line in the Green bubbles?
I saw that someone else had the problem, but now I can't find the post.
Thanks for the help!
The size of the sms_outbg.gif and sms_inbg.gif is too small. If you resize the files to 225x80 it will eliminate the space caused by names that take up two lines.
Originally Posted by slopokdave
Using the 6.5 sms bubbles, does anyone's bubble have a small icon in the background which covers up the first couple letters of the text? Its like a watermark or logo the creator put in there, really annoying.
edit: nevermind I see the images contain the watermark. I can edit and remove it if someone can re-cab.
Originally Posted by osva
But this is only for new messages, it goes away..
Anyone else having this problem?
The watermark indicates that a message is unread. Not really necessary.