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Old 01-19-2010, 02:54 AM
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Re: May have to hard reset Hero....some advice/help?

Originally Posted by ToxicToastKatz View Post
I will most likely try a few of the suggestions. Actually though, the SMS Backup should be helping, because it enables me to keep my SMS in my Gmail account. Basically, a text comes in and automatically goes into my Gmail account as an email. Texts from the same contact are kept together in conversation form, so it's essentially the same as threaded text. For the most part, as soon as i get a text, i read it, reply to it and delete it right off my phone. I currently have zero text messages on my phone.

I would figure that would help.

My biggest suspicion is that it's Lookout causing the problems, and possibly App Usage. Rhapsody will be coming off my phone as soon as my 7 day trial ends tomorrow (it's in Beta and I wanted to check it out, but don't have a subscription.)

I'll check back once I have a chance to investigate. Still a little leery about rooting
I have both lookout and smsbackup on my phone, but I am rooted. I would say think maybe lookout. when i first installed it, i noticed battery drain. a couple of reboots, new ROM, and clearing my cache, and its still snappy.

Like thacounty suggested, you should root it. It could be a combination of any of those apps along with the bloatware. It's not too difficult to do with Flipz kitchen. It will help you in the long run, in the sense that

  • if something ever happens, you could revert to your backups and not have to do a hard reset
  • if worse comes to worse, you can revert back to stock
its esoteric...

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