Originally Posted by timothydonohue
it isn't a 'double whammy'. it's a 530 dollar phone. if they didn't have that charge there, then all people would have to do to get the phone for less money is sign up to tmobile for 179 bucks, then pay 200 to get out once the phone landed. that automatically would turn the 530 dollar phone into a 379 dollar phone. google isn't interested in getting suckered.
the phone is pimp. got mine into my hands yesterday. it's a real piece of work. sexiest phone i've ever seen, that's for sure.
So we have:
179 paid up front to TMobile
200 ETF to TMobile
45 Restocking fee to Google
If you cancel and return the phone to Google ALL WITHIN 14 days of purchase, you are just out the 414 paid so far. For a phone you no longer have.
If you go beyond the 14 days, you have agreed to let Google charge an additional 350 Equipment Recovery fee to your credit card. This is the difference between Google's retail price of the phone (529) and what you paid TMobile up front. That is in addition to anything you have already paid to the carrier.
179 paid up front to TMobile
200 ETF to TMobile
350 Equipment Recovery fee to Google
45 Refurbishing fee to Google
For a total of 774 paid for a 529 phone.
Keep in mind that 529 is Google's retail PRICE for the phone, which is nowhere near it's COST.