Originally Posted by gTen
My calculations are showing that 3tb in a month is exterme, much less 4tb. 1tb is believable but to achieve 3tb would require you to do MAX upload and Download for 12hrs a day. In a more realistic world to watch a movie at around 200mb/20min would be around 720p using h264 encode. So thats 10mb/min. Even if 8 people watch, that will be 80mb/min. So to reach the 3tb you will need 8 people to watch 12 hours of video a day. still a bit extreme, no?
I'm not following your math. Lets look at it like this:
3 TB per month - 1 TB every 10 days. So 1000 GB / 10 days = 100 GB per day. 100 GB / 12 hours = 8.3 GB per hour. 8.3 GB * 1024 = 8499.2 MB per hour. 8499.2 / 60 = 141.7 MB per minute. 141.7 MB per minute / 8 people = 17.7 MB per minute each, for 12 hours per day.
According to this site, which is pretty reputable:
It takes 65.2 MB per minute to stream 1080p in H.264-HD. They actually streamed it at 124.8 MB per minute in their test, but we'll go at the lower 65.2 MB per minute calculation for the purpose of my results. Just know that it could actually be significantly higher than that. So that (at the lower 65.2MB per minute) is almost 4 times as much as the 17.7 MB per minute needed to hit the 3 TB.
So in a nutshell, if you have 8 people, and each of them watches 1080p video for 4 hours per day, at 65.2 MB per minute each- you will hit well over 3 TB per month.
I don't think 4 hours each is a stretch at all. So again- your calculations do seem extreme for a single man or woman, but they are not far fetched at all for a typical family who decided to go On Demand and Netflix instead of live tv and The Movie Channel.