Hello guys
Can anybody help me with some mortscript please
I'm trying to read, this ( Icon==//google.JPG ) from a *.txt file, and write it to reg
If i use this
data = ReadFile("\Windows\Opera9\opera6.txt")
#Get Icon
pos = Find(links[i],"Icon")
If (pos)
pos = pos + 6
len = Find(links[i], "CREATED",pos) - 19
Icon[i] = SubStr(links[i],pos,len)
RegWriteString("HKLM","Software\Microsoft\CHome\Op era\Page"&ii,"Icon","\Windows\"&Icon[i])
I get this, \Windows\//google.JPG
But i need this, \Windows\google.JPG
I'v tryed and tryed

other combination's give me an error "comma expected"
i have read the mortscript-manual but script's not realy my strong piont

someone help me please
Thanks in advance
best regards