Originally Posted by CTEngel85
Hello All,
This is my first post and i'm sad to say the subject is not quite what I had hoped for... I flashed my very first ROM the other day... This ROM to be exact... And while Malatesta's ROM is nothing short awesome, I have a big problem now... My Touch Pro 2 (Sprint) just shut off one day... I figured no big deal right? Wrong... I went to start it up and it goes to what i'm guessing is the boot screen (Touch pro2 shown and a bunch of red numbers and letters at the bottom)... And it just stays there... I've let it run for at least an hour and it's still there... What do I do? Did I just brick my phone? Is there a way to flash even without the phone turning on? Please help as i'm obviously a noob at this... Thanks all in advance and hopefully this is an easy fix...
Chris, are you also on the most recent HSPL? I know you mentioned this is your first flashed ROM (very good choice btw) but you didn't say when you had actually unlocked. You might want to try updating to the latest HSPL, it will not HR your phone at all, and that was one problem many people were having. I personally had the same issue on other ROM's and can say it's not the ROM's issue, it's something with the phone. When you flashed to Mal's ROM, did you HR/clear storage after you flashed and before you did anything else? If not, make sure you do, and then start the rebuilding process. Good luck and let us know how you make out.