Originally Posted by smarcin
The bad: the Market mostly causes my phone to crash. Sometimes it's just browsing the Market, but almost always when I try to download apps, my phone spontaneously reboots. Then, because Android remembers your downloads, when I get it booted back into Android, it often crashes before I can cancel the download.
The ugly. I DO use the hack of starting a call in WM before hitting haret. The first call I make usually works. I can hear and sometimes the person I'm calling can hear me. Sometimes they hear only static, though. After that first call, I don't even hear anything, and they get static when they answer. If someone calls me, I have no ringer, though the volume is turned up. I believe this is a known bug, though? I see the call on my screen. When I go to answer, I get nothing. The person calling me gets static.
I'm also getting a lot of fsck files generated, presumably at boot up. These, as I understand, are file system checks, supposedly because there's some problem with file corruption?
I have no real reason to prove this, but I'm thinking the Market problems are caused by memory issues, as in running out of memory. This could also account for other lockups and random reboots. Perhaps leaning out the number of apps that come with this build might help. We can, theoretically, download what we need from the Market. Something else that might help is something that is working on the Touch. On the Touch you can partition your SD card. You make the first partition fat32, and the other 2 partitions ext2. It seems to run faster that way, and I'd bet it also helps with memory issues. Of course you need access to LINUX to do this. Either a LINUX install (I dual boot my laptop) or running from a live LINUX CD/DVD. I think this is handled in the .conf file as well as the rootfs, though, so both would need to be set up to take advantage of this. A swap partition might help, too, though it might shorten the life of your SD card. (I just by the ones with a "lifetime" warranty.)
Sorry, I missed responding to this earlier. Thanks for the feedback.
I don't think the market crashes are due to memory, because it seems that the market is less likely to cause a crash if it's downloading over Wifi than if it's using cdma data. This is only my experience with a sample size of 1, so it's really nothing more than a hunch. I can confirm those crashes, though, and they are very vexing.
I haven't noticed the problems with call quality degrading -- but I've never run for long enough to get more than 2 or 3 calls, so I wouldn't have, anyway.
Re: Apps sucking up memory, I'm sure you've noticed that the newest XDANDROID build has removed basically every extraneous app, which seems to help a bit.
The FSCK files that show up on the sd card are nothing to worry about. If you have a keen eye at boot time, you can see that there's a DOSFSCK that runs before anything is done with the sdcard. It invariable creates one of those files, even if there is no damage. Then the regular fsck runs on the mounted data.img (which does tend to throw errors, because it's never cleanly unmounted; but hey, that's what fsck is for).
As far as running from a partition on the sd card, I've read about it in the Vogue forum on XDA, and in glancing at the init script on the XDANDROID rootfs, it has some checks in place to mount from a partition (I assume since the eclair build was ported from Zenulator's Vogue version). I haven't heard of anyone bothering to do it on RAPH/DIAM/etc, and would guess that there's a few more pieces that have to be put in place for it to work correctly, though..