Originally Posted by mwalt2
Yes, you need them in \windows\rings. You need to edit app.dat if you want to cook them in, or put them in \Internal Storage\SASHIMI\Auto\Root\Windows\Rings. I use the sashimi method since they just waste space in \windows (takes up 2x as much space to cook them in).
Thank you so much.
FYI: 1.7 doesn't have MSVC included. I just found out after setting everything up.
Is anyone having any trouble syncing? I can sync using A/S, but it seems to keep on getting hung up in the same place (about 1/3 of the way through the calendar) for a long time. It looks like everything is getting done, but not sure.
Could it be this Biotouch thing again?
Oh, and really strange- When I try to connect to my WiFi network, I can only see my Guest SSID. I can't see my regular network. Not a huge deal... but every other computer (and my Pre) all have no problem seeing it. Ideas?