Originally Posted by jobryan26
Sorry slow getting back on this matter, life's been busy. We I have had this issue it's usually after being sync'ed to my laptop and disconnect and almost immediately trying navigating sense (serious lag) to answer the phone or make a call or something to that effect. The phone will freeze and I have to soft reset by pulling the battery out. Upon booting the phone back up that is when I have noticed the square and the program icons missing. Usually soft resetting the phone 3 or 4 times it will get back to normal. As I stated this doesn't happen all the time but in the past week i'd say maybe 2-3 times.
So this is at least 2 users that are having this manila problem - I wish I had a good theory, but on yours it sounds like something is crashing and then screwing up.
I have also not had the phone freeze after pulling the usb cable for a call (thought it's possible to make a call and be sync'd simultaneously).