Originally Posted by gcianc
WM6.x will be supported & updated well into the future because people in the USA buy phones with 2 year contracts.
For that reason you could also argue "dump all legacy support" is not a real issue or problem.
But all conversation of it seems premature based on anything like this blog/report. There is NO DOUBT MS would want legacy support and it's non-inclusion would be for deadline reasons only (project dates slipping, remove huge obstacle to maintain deadline of xmas 2010 launch).
You'd need an instant "MARKETPLACE" of apps or games to launch with WM7 at it's launch, almost like a new game console in the USA requires a few dozen great launch titles. That seems foolish and unnecessary. Even if it only meant a recompile by developers.
And Microsoft would never do something like that to its already existing business-class. That's the only thing they care more about than personal/home users.