+1 yes my question exactly.
and, what discount are you guys talking about? the 25% after 1 to 2 billing periods later? I too changed our corperate plan to simply everything family when I got my hero. what happens after I purchase the Accenture phones?
ok so wat happens is, if you have a data plan lik the simply every or anything similar your fine no plan needs to b changed. the 25% is the discount you get off each billing cycke from what your plan cost b.c your a so call "accenture employee now" k? and if you akready have a corporate discount try go to thier webside or instead of sprint.com/accenture change name to what your company is and see what comes up, if not then you will have to change it too accenture nd get the accenture discount rate of 25%
ok. so since I'm already using our company's name under our account, we need to change it to Accenture? or will I be fine as is?
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