Originally Posted by SaltyDawg
Indagroove's Titanium 6.5 ROM is better than the stock ROM in every way. It's more stable, faster, more available memory, more finger friendly, and better looking.
not here to argue, but I read the threads on Indagrooves ROM and there were bugs....how do you figure it is more stable than the 6.1 stock rom , which has not had to be reset ? I defiitely imagine its faster and more memory, but I am all about the stability when it comes to using Mobile Shell but you have me thinking about trying that rom. I used to us MM's and it was very nice and very stable for custom rom. Has the Indagroove rom gotten to the point where everything is working correctly after first flash or does it require mms tweaks, etc? I like the custom roms removal of bloatware, etc, but they all seem to have to be tweaked in a few ways for everything to function at 100 percent