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Old 01-17-2010, 11:26 AM
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Re: Microsoft Push email

Originally Posted by bobbenedetti View Post
On the 28014 builds I have noticed a difference in the way Microsoft push email works.
1) On setup I am no longer asked to accept the certificate from my Exchange server
2) In order to do the first sync I actually have to load active sync..previously it syncd automatically after I set up Poutlook
4) There is no togle for Microsoft push email on the settings it seems to be replaced by the Active Sync item on the Data Service Settings
5) What is peak and off-peak..I can't get the off-peak setting to change from every 60 minutes to on receipt. I can change it but it doesn't stick after I click Done.

I love this ROM so I hope this problem (for me) is just temporary..or perhaps I am missing something.
1. i noticed that too...just one less step...
2. no toggle? default should be "as items arrive" which is push
3. I always chang off-peak to manually, default is "as items arrive", changed fine for me.

Originally Posted by TKG26 View Post
i like the last two downloads. but i have 2 issues at precent with the latest:
-random rebooting. though it was related to using opera but from time to time the phone just reboots on its own(me not touching it) or while im using it.
-active sync seems to work( use it soley to sync with gmail) but for some reason today im not getting any off my emails...
have never seen a random reboot ever in my roms....I've had the device not wake up but never a random reboot

activesync working fin for me

Originally Posted by JQuill View Post

One bug I noticed with version 1.5 of the 28014 rom is that when scrolling through facebook pics through manila contacts the phone freezes after you scroll through about 10
in the world of custom roms (especially when using programs that were not intended for the Diamond!!), sometimes you have to live w/ minor inconveniences.....that's just the way it goes....

Originally Posted by AdamW View Post
Just wanted to revive this from a few weeks back - so far OMJ is awesome (I'm on 6.5.3 / Sense 2.5), but this seems a bit weird. Some better missed call notification would be great. I can't even really click on the tiny icon on the top bar with a finger :/

Manila Locker shows the missed call but of course since the screen is...well...locked you can't do anything with it from that screen
if u hit the top bar pretty much anywhere, the enhanced notification should show.

you could always use Sense 2.1 which has the call history

hopefully there will be a mod created that will be easier to use....I know they made one for WVGA, but havent seen one for VGA.

Originally Posted by omnicronx View Post
could be the native 6.5 nk too Only the diamond got left out on that.
very true!

Originally Posted by EGOvoruhk View Post
There was another 2.1 Service Pack:

I noticed you haven't updated the 2.1 builds in a few weeks. Just thought you should know before you do
one of these days I may get around to updating the 2.1 roms, I think everyone knows I pretty much stick to 2.5.
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