Originally Posted by dutchman71
Cut and paste: (This worked, other methods did not for me...)
FYI, for all the Sprint people who don't what their MSL is:
I found this procedure on the xda forum and it works!!
I found a method that actually worked perfectly...
Use this method. I don't know who found it, but credit goes to them.
Change the following registry entries in:
Enable: 1
LogMode: 1
* Wait a about 10 minutes (more time will not hurt), and soft-reset.
* Check to see that the file \Atlog\ATDbg0.txt has been created.
* Return the values back to what they were (most likely 0) waiting the same amount of time as above.
* Look in the ATDbg0.txt file and you should see a log of commands sent to the CDMA radio and there should be something like this somewhere in the file:
00:00:00 Tx:AT+HTC_RMSL=0\r
00:00:00 Rx:+HTC_RMSL: (###THIS WILL BE THE MSL###)\r\n0\r
00:00:00 Tx:AT+HTC_ROTKSL=0\r
00:00:00 Rx:+HTC_ROTKSL: 123456\r\n0\r
The numbers next to the Rx: +HTC_RMSL line should be your MSL
This has ALWAYS worked for me! When all else has failed.