Originally Posted by mbaseball3
ok I'm still confused in how this all works...are you switching to Accenture? or still a sprint customer? I've read to much into this I'm sure. better yet, can someone pm me the scoop with instructions for a tard. thanks
Please PM me the info and instructions too. Something must be getting lost in the translation!!
its way easier than it look. trust me i was so nervous lol call that number i think post 8 and say you wana switch to accenture discount. they will ask for email of the company and say
firstname.lastname@accenture.com and they may send a comfirmation email tell them to do it to your personal email (because your accenture email isnt real) and then your done. they will say thank you have a good day and go the sprint.com/accenture and order your new phone =D (thats how my case went. read posts on PAGE 8 for better details GOODLUCK!!)