Re: Has anyone figured out how to lockout data on Verizon 6.5??
Originally Posted by WBFAir
Uggg I tried it and no go.
It toggles it off but the problem is every time you turn the device on and off, it resets the connection to enabled.
I just tried it on a fresh a hard reset of MM's latest ROM with nothing installed and not even having run his carrier provision thing nor did I do a #228 thing an still no go.
Toggles off but upon a restart, its enabled again.
Man this is a tough one.
aaron580, I see by your profile that you have a Sprint unit, so I'm assuming then that you don't a have an official 6.5 ROM so could you tell me what one you are using?
Usin mighty previous build (not had time to upgrade). It resets every time you say? Hmm... Ive never heard of that b4. Do you not have data?
Sony Clie->Palm M105->Palm M505->Palm Z22(stolen)->HP RX1955->HTC Mogul->Touch Pro->Touch Pro 2>Evo 4g!
OMJ rom
Godmode kernel tearing fixed