Originally Posted by fixxxer2008
and what would you do if they did stop winmo? im not here to bash it but honestly there are alot better mobile operating systems out there. two that come to mind is webos and android. i hate the iphone so i won't give it any props.
Good question. I'd probably go with Palm, just because I first had it with the Treo 600 and it was decent. I'm sure WebOS is pretty decent now, too. But I doubt WinMo would ever go out there. I know that many people think there are better OS' out there, but I don't necessarily agree. Just because one is faster and more finger-friendly, doesn't mean it's better in my eyes. I like using my stylus, I like file-structure. And most of all, I want my phone to be an actual pocket version of a computer. WinMo is the closest thing.
I hate Apple (I hate Quicktime, iTunes, Douchebag Apple stores and their employees, gay commercials, simplicity) and slightly hate Google (GoogleUpdater.exe).