Re: 2.23.00WU Radio - MOSTLY TESTED
Olipro, so far it looks like that last radio you posted is golden. I'm on automatic mode, went outside and walked around to areas where my signal used to drop, and yet my service is still good. I didn't even have to re-register the phone on T-Mobile's network, it was just working as soon as the phone booted. Also, data is actually still working(I'm using, whereas it would only work for at most a minute before. I'm gonna go ahead and try a different ROM now. I gotta admit, that stock Telus ROM is pretty quick, but that lock sceen is annoying as all hell. Once again, thanks for all your hard work.
i look back and i'm amazed... that my thoughts were so clear and true.... those three words went through my mind endlessly.... repeating themselves, like a broken record.... you're so cool... you're so cool... you're so cool....
Last edited by xsytrance; 01-16-2010 at 04:28 PM.