01-16-2010, 01:30 PM
Father of the Treo Pro
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Re: [ROM] ll* CFay_RHOD_500/400 *ll ll* CEOS 21887 *ll ll*Build 1.4 *ll COMPLETE OVER
Originally Posted by chas123
Hey CFay,
I read over at xda that some have gotten the new HTC appointment editor to work with 2.1
I tried to cab it up, but couldn't get it to work. I'm attaching the oem in case you want to take a whack at it.
Link me to the thread?
Originally Posted by blklexluthor
Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.80 (Windows Mobile; WCE; Opera Mobi/WMD-50301; U; en) Presto/2.4.13 Version/10.00)
I don't post much I'm more of a reader (aka lurker) lol I just wanted to say thanks...after trying multiple roms... i've decided to stick with 1.3 and everything is working smooth for me including igo8 WITH TTS(with a custom script to close manilla first and reopen after it closes) even after internet use and nitrogen use and I have 60mb mem free Igo w/TTS still works beautifully and Coreplayer works sweet too (with a script of course which is great because i hate converting). Speed, stability, goof battery life...and everything works...can't ask for much more. So thanks Cfay for a great rom!
If you enjoy my work: thank me =D>
CFay TP2 Port ROM! Check it out!
Changed my name from fayfay392 to CFay!