Re: Rhodium_W Stock Rom Thread [Telus VZW SPCS USC] UPDATE 1/15/10
Please forgive my ignorance.
I am looking to perform my first flash on my Verizon TP2 but I just want to be sure that I can restore to its exact original condition in regards to the ROM just in case I had to return it to them.
So, in looking through the net it seems that the backing up or "dumping" to use I think the correct term, of my existing ROM in a easy to restore format is not so easy so I gather it would be easer to use the one available here but I did have one question regarding this.
In looking at all the numbers listed for the Verizon one, most of them coincides with mine except that my two PRL version numbers are 1.65_002 and 51730.
Now here comes the really ignorant part, I understand what the 51730 number is but just to ask, is the 1.65_002 on mine kind of an area code? In other words, since the one available here is 1.65_0811, is that just because it was dumped from a phone in a different part of the country?
So if I were to re-flash mine with this 1.65_0811 one, would just a simple *228 to Verizon restore this to the 1.65_002 one?
Also, do I have to be on the Verizon network to do this?
The reason I ask is, I plan to get rid of Verizon and go with someone else, so does anyone know what would happen to that PRL number of I dialed *228 after that?
I guess what I’m asking is, is the *228 dial in update type of service only specific to Verizon or pretty much do all the carriers have something like this?
Thanks for any help
Edit: I apologize for the above as I finally got a closer look at things and I guess what I thought was the term PRL is actually PRI, which in what little I can find on the net is possibly even more specific to a area?
At any rate, I'm even more confused now as I don't think that will be changed from a *228 update and from what I've read may be very specific to a area and could really hurt my reception of a lot of things if don't have the right one.
So could anyone help enlighten me on this?
Last edited by WBFAir; 01-16-2010 at 11:20 AM.