Help me please
i have the xv6700 with the wm6.1 and i am on verizon i bought this phone from a individual and he used it on the verizon network for some reason the only time i can connec to the net is when i am at home with wi fi can someone please help me verizon has been over this a couple times with me having me to do a hard reset on the phone. i don't have the getting started software that origianlly comes with the phone. i love this phone and that is the only thing that i can't get going. verizon keeps trying to tell me to return the phone from where i bought it from because its not working properly and i see no point in doing that when all i gotta do is get the net going. once in a while a message pops up for a ip address. HELP i am about to loose it because this is driving me nuts i have a data package and can't even use it til i get this thing to connect. any one could help me i would appreciate it greatly.